Engine Coolant Outlet Flange. Housing. THERMOSTAT HOUSING. WATER OUTLET.

Part Number: 256202B600
Supersession(s): 25620-2B600; 25620 2B600; ; 256202B600

Engine Coolant Inlet Flange. Engine Coolant Outlet Flange. Incl.Gasket and Sensor. Includes: Coolant Temp Sensor. Assembly - Thermostat. Inlet. Water. Included with: Control Assembly, Water Inlet.

Fits Accent, VELOSTER


1 person has looked at this part recently
Diagram COOLANT HOSE & PIPE (1600 CC - GAMMA) for your 2017 Hyundai Elantra GT
Diagram COOLING SYSTEM. COOLING FAN. RADIATOR. WATER PUMP. for your 2017 Hyundai Elantra GT
EXPANSION TANK CAP; Veloster; w/o Turbo. EXPANSION TANK CAP; Veloster; w/Turbo. FILLER CAP; Veloster. Veloster; From 3/18/13. Veloster; Front; w/o Turbo. Veloster; Front; w/Turbo. Veloster; Rear; w/o Turbo. Veloster; Rear; w/Turbo. Veloster; To 3/18/13. Veloster; w/o Turbo; From 10/15/13. Veloster; w/o Turbo; To 10/15/13. Veloster; w/Turbo; Auto Trans. Veloster; w/Turbo; Manual Trans.
Veloster; w/o Turbo.
Diagram COOLING SYSTEM. COOLING FAN. RADIATOR. WATER PUMP. for your 2017 Hyundai Elantra GT
Accent; All; From 11/11/14. Accent; All; From 11/14/14. Accent; All; To 11/11/14. Accent; All; To 11/14/14. Accent; Auto Trans. Accent; Front. Accent; Manual Trans. Accent; Rear. Accent; w/AC. Accent; w/o AC. EXPANSION TANK CAP; Accent.
Diagram Radiator & components. for your 2017 Hyundai Elantra GT
Auto TRANS. Manual TRANS.
Diagram RADIATOR & COMPONENTS. for your 2017 Hyundai Elantra GT
Housing. W/O TURBO.
Diagram Cooling system. Cooling fan. Water pump. for your 2017 Hyundai Elantra GT
Accent; All. Accent; Auto Trans. Accent; Filler Neck To Radiator. Accent; Head To Filler Neck. Accent; Manual Trans. EXPANSION TANK CAP; Accent.
Diagram RADIATOR & COMPONENTS. for your 2017 Hyundai Elantra GT
2018-19. auto trans. manual trans.
2018-19. Housing.

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